Saturday, January 25, 2014

38 weeks

Im 38 weeks today. My ultra sound went well on Mon. infact too well hahaha they found lots of fluid and say that baby Enslie is measuring big at 7lbs. 10 oz give or take a lb.!!!! But say that judging by the chunky cheeks she has  she is probably more like 8 or 9 lbs.!! They decided along with my doc that I don't need to go twice a week now for non stress tests. At my doctors apt on wed I was dilated to a 3 and 85% effaced so he told me that if I make it to Feb. 3 he will induce me a few days early because im scared im going to have a 10 lb. baby haha that means at the most I only have one non-stress test and one doctors apt left AHHHH I cant wait its getting so close! I'm having some contractions but they aren't regular at all I can go hours with out one then all of the sudden have a few in an hour. So now we play the waiting game we either need my water to break, my contractions to become more regular or Feb. 3 :-D

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