Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Erilyns 2nd birthday party.

Because Erilyns birthday is so close to Christmas (Dec, 22) We decided that will celebrate her Birthday on her due date Jan 13, For a few reasons its to hard to get people together that close to Christmas, Travis would never be able to come because of his lovely holiday work schedule and its just easier to wait till after so its not sooo much all at once.
Anyways, as we were grocery shopping about a week before her birthday party we decided to let her pick out a cake. She is really into mickey mouse and curious George  right now so we gave her the choice between those 2 she chose mickey. when we asked her if she wanted chocolate or vanilla she looked at me like I was crazy and said "coclate". After that she would not stop asking about her "coclate mickey cake" When we picked it up she smiled so big when she saw it all finished and would not take her eyes off of it. She was very concerned when it had to go up the escalator all by its self and the first thing she said when we got home was "coclate mickey cake ok?' 
She was so excited for her party. It was pretty low key we just had our families over for cake and ice cream ( I let Erilyn pick out the ice cream she picked it out by color..... the "green one"( mint chocolate chip),  the "orange one" (dream cycle), and "that one" witch was s'mores,) She loved playing with all of her cousins, seeing her grandpas and of coarse everyone else. :-)

Her cake was really cute and super yummy! She did so good blowing out her candles!

She got the first piece of cake and taste of each ice cream she was in heaven!!

She kept calling the party hats " castle hats"

Her cousins joined her to eat wich made her happy! She loves her cousins

Travis noticed that Minnie left a smiley face on her cake!!

opening her present from Kamrins family

A curious George book?!

Her present from us.

Checking it out its a leapster explorer we were hoping she would play with this instead of our phones but she hasn't quite figured out how it works yet. She also got a little piano and lots of money.

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