Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Korbyns 5 year well check.

 On Feb. 1st the younger 2 kids had their well checks. I scheduled them back in Nov. before going to school in person was an option. I purposely scheduled them at 2:20 because that would be perfect for finishing school at 1:30 and getting to the pediatrician in time. But when they started in person the girls now go till 2:30 and Korbyn till 2:50 so I had to check them out early. I felt bad that I couldn't pick Erilyn up from her first day of in person school in almost a year but, she was excited to go home with my friend and play for a little bit. 

Korbyns well check went well! He is 47.5 in tall ( over the 100%) he's exactly 2 inches taller then his sisters both were at 5. He weighs 53lbs 6oz ( 95%) that is a whopping 12.2 lbs more then Erilyn weighed and 11 lbs more then Enslie! He is just a big boy and has a good bmi of 16.63. We talked a little about school we didn't have much to go on because the preschoolers only went 2 days the week before for an hour and a half. But so far he is doing well and liking school. She says to just keep communication with the teacher open and honest and to continue to watch for sign of an attention disorder. She agrees having him in school in person is a good thing and will hopefully help him calm down. We had no other concerns about him though.

I snapped these 2 pictures of him he walked in the room and got right up on the table and insisted he go first!

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