Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kamrin and Shaless' birthday dinner.

Every year since i can remember gran has been doing birthday dinners for the grandchildren. We do them about every month and two grandkids including the in laws whos birthdays are in that month get to choose somewhere special to go out and eat for thier birthday. Last month it was kamrins birthday on the 3 and shaless' birthday on the 13. They chose to go to the red rock cafe it was really good food!!

She sure does love any kind of dip this katchup the ate almost the whole bowl!!!

She was luaghing so hard! travis was making her run while she was siting down his arms were sore the next day.

Most of the fam minus shaless, ashley and the kids.

This is madyson helping shaless eat her free dessert she ate alomst the whole thing by her self!
I had to post this one i dont know what every one is doing but they ar eall making funny faces.

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