Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Giggles and smirks adventures!

They wore Byu masks one day and were Ute fans in this house so they were in the bathroom where they belong hahhaha!

They threw away the Byu masks when they were done with them.

The next day they wore Ute masks and were in the flowers because apparently our bathroom stinks!! 

Helped us catch up on our countdown!

Helped out the tooth fairy by bringing Erilyn her money for a lost tooth! That she proudly came in to our room at 11pm to tell us about!!

The kids all loved this one especially Korbyn!!

She brought ginormous ginger bread men to decorate instead of a House. The kids loved it!! The only down side the ginger bread men were really hard to eat!! They positioned them selfs in Korbyns stocking so they could watch.

They climbed up in a light .

The kids were so excited about this one!!

This was Cross E Ranches first year doing a Christmas festival, it was so much fun!!

The next day we went to zoo lights and Santa said they couldn't go the kids were kind of sad.

We ran some errands after bundling the kids up and Enslie ended up getting over heated and threw up all over herself after some contemplating We decided that Travis would take her home and me and the other 2 stayed with the rest of my family to see the lights and my mom and dad drove us home.

It was COLD and none of the animals were out but the kids had fun running around together.

The Elfs were spotted in the fridge one day and after the kids came in from cleaning up outside this appeared in the fridge!

They were hot coco bombs and the kids LOVED them!!

This always a favorite!!


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