Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Get jaw looked at/fixed?

This was one of the things on my to do list for this year. For a few years now my jaw has been popping when i open my mouth. I never thought much of it. Until a few weeks ago when it locked!!! It wasn't completely locked shut i could still eat most things and talk, mostly it was just irritating. Finally my husband decided it was probably best that i go get checked out by our doctor so we called and went in this morning of coarse our doc was out sick, so i saw another doc in the office. I was telling him all of my symptoms( of coarse it finally unlocked as we were driving to the apt.) Anyways  he says he is almost positive it is Temporomandibular jaw Disorder or more commonly known as TMJ .At least we know what it is and he prescribed me some muscle relaxers and in anti-inflamitorypills if it locks again. And gave me some tips for helping it not do it any more. He said to talk to my dentist and see if he has any further instructions or concerns and that if it doesn't seem to help i will be seeing a TMJ specialist. YAY not really, its just annoying to not be able to open my mouth with out popping or locking.

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