Saturday, April 3, 2010

Not so great news :-(

Ive been putting off this post for ever because it makes me sad and frustrated every time i think about it. The day we got the keys to the house we found out that we have TERMITES and that its going to be at least 1000 BUCKS to treat!!, not including fixing any damages they have created to this point all ready( its not to much but still!!).This is especially frustrating for me because it meant paying for termite treatment instead of paying cash for the washer and dryer. We still got the washer and dryer but put it on a payment plan, witch after reading the total money make over was very had for me to do. It needed to be done though so we can get termites treated first. The next thing to be paid of though will defiantly be the washer and dryer and the 2ND mortgage. I will be making these payments so Travis can continue to pay off his debt so he can hopefully be debt free besides the house and the car by the time we get married;-). He is doing really well and has paid off almost 10,000 dollars in debt since we started seriously dating and looking for a house. Me on the other hand never really have been in debt. I paid cash for my car and have never carried a balance on my credit card month to month i hope that i can stay that way and be able to build up a good savings so we never ever have to be in debt ever again. (besides the house)

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