Thursday, January 21, 2010

Donating blood

On Tuesday Travis and i donated blood that is one of my new years resolutions. I think that if I am healthy enough to donate blood, that i should do it as much as possible and that its going towards a good cause. Its crazy to think that 15 mins and a little bruise can save a life. A life of a person you dont even know.

It was only my second time successfully donating, I tired when i was 17 the lady was really new at it and hadn't had much experience, so when my vein moved she panicked and over corrected sticking the needle through my vein and when she got i t fixed it was bleeding to the sides so there wasn't enough pressure to get the blood to flow fast enough. ( i had a big painful bruise from that one) I was bummed and didn't donate after that because i was scared it would happen again.( i was also busy or sick)

last October or November my stake hosted a blood drive and Travis and i decided to go and i successfully donated blood and finally found out my blood type witch is B+ .Tues was the second success she missed the vein at first but then she got it to work i was so happy.

Our ouchies on our arms painful but well worth it!!

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