Saturday, February 1, 2020

January Random.

 I swear between 3 sick bugs we got, a Baptism, 2 birthdays, Troys passing, an x-ray, a celebration of life, Figuring out all of troys stuff, a well check and many get together's with family, January had about 100 days this year.

I was asking the kids if they wanted to do swim lessons again and the younger 2 were so excited that they got their suits on and went outside to play i screen shoted the temp. in the 30s

I took these pictures from a window before making them come back inside.

I thought this was adorable Erilyn helping Enslie with her home work.

Erilyn wrote this about her winter break... the last sentence is one big word because she was running out of room.

Silly boy watching on daddies phone.

Kitty napping on a blanket on the floor.

And comforting Enslie who had a head ache.

The girls did this one night for dinner

Its hard to see but he drew a smiley face and was so proud he insisted i take a picture.


Playing in the snow.

Korbyn rolled that all by himself!

Popcorn and hot chocolate after playing in the snow.

My sick baby this was the second tummy bug to make it thru our house in January.

Getting dressed to go outside to play.

His breakfast of choice after he had the tummy bug.

Doing face masks with Nisha.

Erilyn the scientist.

Both kitties watching over a sick Erilyn.

The double batch of sugar cookies i made for Troys celebration.
January was a crazy month! Heres to hoping that February is not so crazy!

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