Sunday, May 6, 2018

Second part of April random.

This boy fell and got his first scraped elbow.

It was the end of his world.

I curled this princess' hair for church one day.

He was eating then I felt him gat heavy at my side and he was out!

Look at the cute, chubby and dirty hand!!

We decided to take down our pool, the kids just don't like swimming in it right now so its not worth the money and time to set up. The kids found...

( well I found Korbyns missing shoes)

And they found worms!!

They decided it was warm enough for the sprinkler.

The girls had a sleep over in Enslies messy room.

We registered Enslie for pre-school she was so excited that the insisted I curl her hair.

..... cant do one with out the other.

She was so excited she didn't sleep well the night before and fell asleep when we got there.

This girl fell asleep with her glasses on!!

Gramma Cornie brought the kids purple hair extenions

Snuggled up on sisters bed ( he did this himself)

Sometimes they all get along!

We decided to buy some clipper to cut Korbyns hair because I like it short and it grows to fast to keep up with. Daddy cut it and did a good job till Korbyn flinched at the very end.

Korbyn proudly handed these to me one day.

We brought them in and put them In water.

The girls started ballet class they are in the same class and seem to love it so far.

He insisted on taking balls and trucks to bed with him!!

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