Monday, July 31, 2017

Korbyn 18 months.

Weight? : 27 lbs 9oz (85%) Enslie was 23 lbs. 12 oz  (60%) Erilyn was 23 lbs.

Height? : 34.6 (98%) Enslie was 34.2 inches (98%) Still super tall. big sis was 33 inches tall so just over and inch taller.

Teeth? : He has 16 !!! ( 8 on top and 8 on bottom) And the top of all 4 canines poking thru

Hair? : yep we buzzed it all off for summer.

Walking?: Yes he has recently mastered the art of running and loves to try to keep up with his sisters.
Cloths size? : Still in 2t (has been since 9 months) but is starting to out grow them anything new we buy is 3t.

Sleeping? : The recent family reunion kind of threw off his sleeping schedule but he is still doing well. He fight his naps till he cant any more and usually falls asleep around 2 or 3. He sleeps at night from around 8 to around 7 wakes up poops and goes back to sleep for a few hours. 

Sipies: He is still using straw sipies but loves drink out of a big cup to.

Food? : He LOVES raspberry and throws a huge fit if I put them in the cart at the store with out giving him some. He loves really any food but ususally picks fruit over anything.

Talking? : He says Mommmmy, daddddy!, ewwwww, uh oh, aye (for hi and bye accompanied by a wave), eeeeee ( cheese and please), erin (Erilyn), any (Enslie), out, et (wet), potty and is starting to become a parrot and copy what we say and putting small sentences together.

He SCREEMED through his whole check up but from what the doc could tell he is big, happy (usually) healthy 18 month old.

Playing in the waiting room of the doc office.

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