Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Potty training.....still.

I was hoping to Have Erilyn potty trained by now. But with the crazy summer we had it kinda got put on the back burner. And this is why..... I had a rough first trimester and was super sick, I babysat two VERY curious boys who would just stare when i changed her diaper so letting her use her little potty in front of them was out of the question, She ended up getting a yeast infection and they told us to keep a diaper on her tight with 2 kinds of medicine for as long as possible, and we had our Alaska trip. Whew!!! Since we've gotten home though she has been doing well and as long as we are home she will use her potty. She usually tells us WHEN she is going when we are out and about. But has yet to use a public potty. She still uses a diaper at night but naps in either under wear or goes commando with out any accidents.....yet!!

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