Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pragnancy update!!

Im 32 weeks and 2 days today and i feel pretty good. The morning sickness has come back but usually goes away after i eat. I have gained 18 lbs as of my last apt. at 31 weeks 5 days. The doc wanted me to gain 30 so we are almost there. I just hope that i can loose the weight fast. Baby is growing right on schedual, well i have been measuring just a tiny bit small but the doc says that judging on how active baby is there is nothing to worry about. I Recently took the gestational diabetes test and the test for anemia. I passed the diabetes with flying colors but barley passed the anemia test. They start to worry when your iron levels get below 63.0 and mine was at 63.2. So i get to take iron supliments witch acctually arent to bad and my energy level has gone up quite a bit. Baby is loving to beat me up its favorite thing is to kick me in the back and hips witch makes me feel like im not wide enough for this ever growing baby. So other then always being sore im doing great! loving being pregnant but cant wait to meet my baby.Here is pic of my ever growing belly taken at 30 weeks.

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