Thursday, March 6, 2025

February random

This boy fell asleep in church and had the best marks on his face.

My Dog man obsessed boy!

Our new no soliciting sign. 

Took this boy on a special mom and dad date to see Dog man he loved it.

Pretty sunrise on the way to work/school one morning.

Look closely there tinin icecicles on the tire!

I love sun sets/rises!

Travis and I got Dave and Busters for date nights a couple times a year. But never really use our tickets we took this kids one day and had over 10,000 tickets so they each got some to spend! Here is thier spoils. 

This is Erilyns Ramen collection.

Now she has a mom amd baby ramen.

And made space on her bed for it.

She wanted to earn some extra money so she organized the pantry from me.

The Cheeto all balled up

Came home one day to this stick the city planted! Hopefully it survives!

Korbyn made this silly snow man. It ended up looking like et but I missed getting a picture of the finished product. It melted pretty fast.

Korbyns Jr. Jazz season came to enjoy end. These boys had so much fun tofather and won every game but the one Korbyn missed.

Enjoying the hammock.

A store that I went to alot with my dad growing up got knocked down and I happened to drive past it. Sad to see it gone. Will probably be apartments soon.

It's been a fairly  mellow winter and we have had a great wether the past few weeks.  The girls pulled out thier roller blades.

Korbyn joined the fun!

We took th to the church parking lot to ride one day. Erilyn and korbyn both fell. And got a few scrapes and bruises.

Enslie fell on her scooter the following day and face planted. She fell at the corner of our street and her friend ran to get us. Her nose was bleeding pretty bad and she had a blood puddle on the cement. I took her home to get cleaned up and Travis cleaned up the blood trail to the house and the puddle at the end of the street. This is the after math, her poor face! Luckily it is healing quickly and she has been so brave thru it all. All 3 kids were bruised up for a few days but are still loving the warmer weather and thier scooters and roller blades.


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Valentines 2025

A few days before valentines Enslie helped pick out a chocolate heart for everyone. The kids found them in the groceries so we gave them to the kids early.

Enslie asked for heart hair on valentines.

That night we satyed home and had a steak dinner as a family. The following tues Travis and i went on a date to see captain america and had zupas after.

A few days after we hosted a family dinner at our house and the cousins did a valentines exchange.


Monday, February 24, 2025

Kids well checks.

 We will start with Erilyn she is 65.9 inches tall ( 90%l and 103 lbs. (50%) She got a perfect bill of health doctor says she is in the early stages of puberty and will start her period in about a year. She also ended up getting an x-ray on her finger she broke a couple years ago because it has developed a wierd clicking sound. The x-ray showed no abnormalities and you couldn't even see where she broke it. (Makes me wonder if I really broke my wrist a few months ago)

Enslie is 62 inches tall (95%) and 85 lbs (65%) we talked about her anxiety and how she is improving also the coping strategies she has learned. Doc thinks she is stable at this time at to continue what we have been doing. But we discussed the possibility of starting medicine in the future. She is also in the early stages of puberty and doc says she is guessing a year and half for her till she starts her period.

 Korbyn is 59.4 inches tall (100%) and 96 lbs (100%) Enslie was 56.1 inches tall at his age and erilyn was 55.3 inches tall and Enslie was 67.6 lbs and Erilyn was 60lbs. Korbyn is a huge and creating his own curves on the charts. Doc isn't concerned about any thing though. He has a healthy bmi and is mostly muscle. We talked about his love for sports and starting baseball in the spring. She is slightly concerned that he may also have scoliosis so we will be doing x-rays for that soon. He got one shot and a finger poke. And was so brave.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Enslies 11th birthday

The elf put this on her door.

and decorated downstairs alittle.

She also got some money and a note from the elf.

She picked out her present so wrapped it 6 different times to make it more fun to open.

She got a new tablet!

All she wanted was to go to target and 5 below with her best friends. This is the walking between stores they are so funny!

We then came home and they ate this HUGE salad!

Did presents with cheetos help

Then painted wood projects they bought at target.

After cake they did some face masks and had fun together. 
Happy Birthday Enslie!


Sunday, February 2, 2025

Enslies 11th Birthday survey


 What is your favorite color? Purple, blue

What is your favorite food? Red cabbage, snitzel, speatzel

what is your favorite show? Young Sheldon 

what is your favorite holiday? My birthday
what is your favorite thing to do outside? Just being out there.
what is your favorite hobby? skin care
Do you like baths? no i like showers
Who is your best friend?  Kairi, Sloane
what is your favorite thing to do with big sister? Talk about stuff
what is your favorite thing to do with brother? Roblox
what is your favorite thing to do with mom? Watching YouTube 
what is your favorite thing to do with dad? Fight him.
what is your favorite book? Are you there god it's me Margaret 
what is your favorite drink? Pink drink
what is your favorite thing to wear? Ribbed anything
where is your favorite place to go? Friends houses
do you like church? yes
do you like cake? dads cake only or with whipped cream instead of frosting.
what is your favorite thing you did this year? Student of the month assemblies because I got alot.
what is your favorite snack? Pringles
What is your favorite animal? Luey bear, and raccons!
what is your favorite subject in school? science, and reading, and ELA
I want to add..... I'm going to middle school this year!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

A little family get away.


A couple days after korbyns birthday we packed up and went to midway for the weekend. We decided to try out the ice castles this time! They were so pretty!

They were so fun but COLD! Would definitely do again.

The rest of the time the temperature was in the single digits! It Was so cold our door kept on freezing shut! We stayed at the hotel and swam and played in the rec room and gym we didn't even know they had before this trip.

It snowed alttile and we played the switch and just relaxed and enjoyed the weekend with out any plans.