What is your favorite food? Red cabbage, snitzel, speatzel
what is your favorite show? Young Sheldon
what is your favorite holiday? My birthday
what is your favorite thing to do outside? Just being out there.
what is your favorite hobby? skin care
Do you like baths? no i like showers
Who is your best friend? Kairi, Sloane
what is your favorite thing to do with big sister? Talk about stuff
what is your favorite thing to do with brother? Roblox
what is your favorite thing to do with mom? Watching YouTube
what is your favorite thing to do with dad? Fight him.
what is your favorite book? Are you there god it's me Margaret
what is your favorite drink? Pink drink
what is your favorite thing to wear? Ribbed anything
where is your favorite place to go? Friends houses
do you like church? yes
do you like cake? dads cake only or with whipped cream instead of frosting.
what is your favorite thing you did this year? Student of the month assemblies because I got alot.
what is your favorite snack? Pringles
What is your favorite animal? Luey bear, and raccons!
what is your favorite subject in school? science, and reading, and ELA
I want to add..... I'm going to middle school this year!