Wednesday, July 3, 2024

June random

This tree has been dying for quite awhile. Because it's on our park strip it's technically not ours so we can't trim it or anything. I have called the city a few time now asking them to come look at it. A few years ago they came and looked at it the trimmed it in January! After we lost one of the bigger alive branches during a winter strom, I called again requested it be removed in March. We'll while we were in Saint george they came! 

The monday after got home this was on our curb!

And this was on our door!

The kids excitedly watch them work on the tree!

And this is what we were left with! 🤦‍♀️

The kids helped bring in groceries one day!

And cheeto did his quality check!


We did a little competition to see if we could tell the difference between different the cup is Pepsi the can got damaged on the drive home and wouldn't stand up.

I was the only one that got all of the right!

A handfull of strawberrys from our garden befor ethey suddenly died. I think our neighbors 30 chickens might have something to do with it.

Erilyn has been counting down the days till this movie came out! We ended up getting tickets to it the day before it was supposed to be out!

My garden coming along!

The tree saga continues! A few days after they came and trimmed it. They came and said that there was some confusion and the tree got trimmed before it could get removed and it was up to me if we wanted to keep it. I looed at the guy and said dont you agree this looks awful he he agreed and said they would be back tomorrow to take it out.

We watched this time on the porch.

This what we are left with! They will back at later date amd take out the stump
 And a new tree should be planted this fall or winter. I'm just glad this eye sore is gone!

This cat loves this girl!

Lemonade stand! They made $40!

And this cat and this girl are inseparable!

A selfie in the car while I pumped gas!

Cat trapped!

Maverick whacky Wednesday. 

A stalked pantry makes me happy!

This boy talking to me while I'm in my happy space!

Enslie came to me one day and said that she wanted to cut her hair like really cur her hair! We snuck away just me and her. She cut off 8 inches! It's cute on her though amd so much easier for her to take care of

These 2 cats are kinda starting to like each other!

We are trying to drink more water so we found these water bottles at Sam's for cheep then we decorated them to hopefully help encourage the kids to drink more.

Guard kitties.

He made this all by himself he was quite proud of himself amd asked that i take a picture

Then one with his empty plate!
Erilyns finished product!



Mine. I love how they all show everyone's interests and personalities so well!


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