Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hammond family reunion 2024

All apcked and ready to go!

Erilyn decorated these cookies for me.

The view from the house of bear lake was beautiful!

this was often my site when coming out of our bedroom.

Walking tacos with cousins.

And some time bonding on the slide.

The cousin crew!

We went on alittle hike... in the rain! It was so much fun. 

Playing family bingo.

I was quite proud of this! This day we also went and dis a ropes course it was so much fun! I put my phone in a locker though I was to scared to loose it so I don't have even one picture from there. It was so much fun but I was SO sore the next day.

The next day was lake day! The water was a crisp 63* so opted for just sitting on the beach and soaking up the sun!

not sure how this started but the girls buried jaydan in the sand! The even gave him boobs and a tail!

He was so gross when the finally decided he was done!

These 2 worked on this on and off the whole time.

Weren't educated a big trampoline it was great fun once they cleaned all the bird pipes off or it.

Enslie saw these On YouTube and taught herself how to do them!

When packing up to leave we could not find this kids shoes anywhere! We are not sure if they got buried or accidentally left at some one else's site but they were gone!

When we got back we played the cup game and all the kids got candy a $5 and stickers.

Another picture of the view!

We had fun but these boys were happy to be re-united! And I was happy to try to catch up on some much needed sleep! I had a hard time sleeping while we were there for some reason.


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