Sunday, September 22, 2024

Labor day.

My sister invited us on hike to lake Mary! There was a helicopter as we were arriving.

First snack breat 10 min. In

Found the lake!

Had a quick lunch break. The Shaless and i decided to check out the rest of the hike a few min. In we decided it was alittle to crazy for the little kids and headed back.

right at the end of the hike almost to our cars I slipped and fell. A sharp pain shot up my right shoulder and my wrist felt tight right away.

My other hand bruised instantly and I had a rock stuck in it.

On the way down the mountain i iced my shoulder once that pain went away my wrist was suddenly in alot of pain! I ran to target to get a bracelet hoping it would help. It did but after 2 weeks I finally decided to get it checked out at urgent care. After x-rays it was determined that I badly sprained wrist and I was told to get a better splint to keep it more still for healing.

That night was awesome a double rainbow!


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