Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May random

Korbyn lost his first molar

These kitties gave some cuddles together one night. 

Travis celebrated a birthday.

On of our sprinklers decided it turn on nut not off so we ended up redoing alot of it.

Korny lived getting to dig in the dirt.

It looks like he's watching tv!

I ended up in the ER with pain in my lower right side it had been there about a week on and off. Then over night became more painful. I thought for sure my appendix was about to burst!  After 4 hours an MRI, both kinds of ultrasounds, and blood and urine work. And the only thing they could find wrong was blood in my urine. So they decided I had uti that was really high up or kidney infection. And sent me home with a double antibiotic and a bruised arm from a first failed iv.

Cheeto went on climbing adventure one day!

 My bruise and reaction to the tape they put on my arm.

I was still feeling lousy and exhausted from not sleeping but decided to power thru and go to
 a community event they were having for my elementary school that is now closed! The district closed 4 elementary schools at the end of this school for good due to decreased enrollment. Korbyn is pointing to the tile I painted to go up in the new school that was rebuilt and opened for my 5th grade year in 2001.

They had memory lane and I found some fun gems!

It's so sad that it's closing! Erilyns middle is Riley after this school!

Soccer ended it was fun season!

One of the last games the team that Enslie played. The other team only had 3 kids show up so korbyn and a buddy played so they could all play. Enslie played so defensively it was great.

trimming the yard up!

Bandaid tan line!

Soccer ball stuck in the tree!

Im not sure thats how that works but the kids had fun!

Sugar cookie fun! Korbyn wasn't interested in decorating any.

The bruise one arm just kept getting worse!

Double student of the month!

I openes a can of chicken to make chicken salad for Jaydan graduation party and all of s sudden all 3 cats were meowing!

so wr gave them some juice!

Enslie made a tower while cutting up the crescent rolls!

These girls were told they had to stay in the gym so they sat in the door way.

cheeto burrito.

Enslie made mashed potato bowl volcanos for dinner one night.

Dying her hair purple with chalk

Releasing lady bugs into our garden!

On memorial day we got a great deal On a grill.

Korbyn took a hard fall on his skates and hit his back on a raised part of side walk.

I broke out in a rash all over my body the day after I finished my antibiotics. Urgent care said it was an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. It was miserable being g so itchy! They told me to take antihistamines and gave me hydrocortisone cream to put on.

It was miserable I was either itchy or exhausted!

Both kids got best attendance awards and Enslie got the pawsitive panther award!


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