Monday, July 12, 2021

June Random.

We spent most of june working on our last indoor home project nut those pics will come soon. 
we got a few strawberries from our garden.

I found this toothpaste smile on the side of the sink in the bathroom!!

Its been a very hot June and we have had many days in the 100s this splash pad was a very good investment.

relaxing after some fun in the sun!!

It aint summer with out a good old fashioned BBQ!

At the end of may beginning of June these signs started popping up and i was glad i was fully vaccinated!!

Enslie made this cute house for some of her smaller stuffed animals and made me take pictures to send to her teacher.

Sweet sleepy boy!

This spider gave Korbyn quite the scare and our ring doorbell captured all of it!!

Erilyn got to tye dye at school this was the finished product!!

My sweet Korbyn brought me these one day!!

Check out that milage on our van!!

Gramma gave all the kids a skate board apparently this is how you ride them...

These crazy kids decided that the cool would make a good pool....

Finally after over a year the kids were able to go back to primary! I was happy be back as well, hearing the kids sing i am a child of god brought tears to my eyes!!

2 weeks into June our ward also took down all the mask signs and it has been so nice to see the ward member faces again!!

Playing with gummy blocks! the other 2 ate theirs before i could take a picture.

sleepy boy!

The kids really wanted to try string art! I bought the wrong kind of paint but we made it work!

Travis and my brothers all helped take out a few tress in my moms neighbors yard.

Travis ended up with a little cut on his hand from an ax that nicked his knuckle I made him get a tetanus shot but refused to have it looked at by a doctor. Lots new skin and he was fine. The first time i saw it though it made me feel alittle light headed and tingly I think it gave ptsd from when 
Erilyn had her stitches.

After he was all doctored up we headed to the jazz viewing party for the play offs!

It was alot of fun but her had to leave early because Enslie got sick, they lost any way.

Drinking from a drinking fountain for the first time in over a year!

Enslie playing with her aunt Nisha!

Some times a lazy day on tablets is good to!

Being silly playing with the dirty clothes basket.

Look at that temp!!

After getting sick at the jazz game we took Enslie to get an x-ray of her tummy to see why she keeps getting sick to her stomach. They called us first thing the next morning and told us that she was severely constipated and needed to do a colon cleanse asap! The fallowing day we had some plumbing work being done so we waited a few days we let her choose her dinner and dessert for the night before she started her cleanse.

This boy graduated upstart! Sadly it was virtual but still fun!

The neighbor kids left a bag full of candy in our yard and the squirrels found it!!

When you have 2 sisters...

After close to 60 hours with out food this girl was so hungry!!

For being such a trooper we let her pick out a toy she chose this chemistry set. We just had a a fallow up with her doctor and she says things are  looking good she still has to take tummy medicine for at least 3 more months though but we are making progress!!

We went and saw peter rabbit with Hamma and Hampa.

Playing some friends after church one day!

We were able to get the kids in swim lessons here Korbyn is trying on his goggles.

Excited about his new Dino sheets from gramma Cornie.

The kids have been really into making fidgets lately i got tired of getting in trouble for throwing them away or them breaking and making a mess. at the store they were like $8 for one thing so i told them could buy one with their own money. on prime day packs of 15-30 of them were only $20 so bought 3 packs and split them between the kids they were beyond excited and play with them 24-7. 

We had Enslies friend Kairi over for a play date.

Another friend from their class at school joined it was like a mini reunion!

The kids thought this was hilarious!

He's asleep but if you look close his goggles are so tight his eye is stuck open!! June was a busy month but we had alot of fun pictures of our latest remodel will come once its done.


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