Sunday, February 17, 2019

Enslie 5 year check up.

Enslie is already 5! Its crazy i remember when she was just a baby and spending many nights at the hospital with her. She was hospitalized twice for a few days each time before she was 2 months old ( jaundice and rsv). I remember being scared she was always going to be sick and at the hospital. But after rsv she recovered fully and has been doing great ever since! She is super healthy now and is definitely my sweetest child. She is the first to cuddle me and tell me she loves me and loves her siblings and daddy as well. She is a big helper when i babysit and loves having kids to play with. She is doing great at pre-school and with upstart. The doc was impressed with how well she can write her name and with how strong she is. She was 45.5 in tall (95%) and 42.6 lbs (70%) Bmi 14.39 so she is perfect and healthy! The doc had no concerns with her or health and was impressed that she had no rash on her privates witch is common for girls her age. She does still have her venus hum in her heart (she has had it since she was a baby) but it goes away when she looks away so the doc is still not worried about it. We just have to keep an eye on it was she grows up. She is in size 6 clothes and size 12 shoes.

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