Thursday, May 16, 2013

Enjoying the warm weather!!

This is another toy for our yard that my mother in law got for us Erilyn is crazy and climbs all over this thing!! She loves it! One day London finally got the guts try it out.... She loved it to till it started to rock because Erilyn got out of it. Its a teeter totter.

She LOVES to color with chock she almost always has a piece in her hand when we are out side. Notice she is more then likely going to be a lefty!! The few times she has tried to draw with her right hand she ends up switching back to the left because the right is way awkward for her .

One day after her not letting me take her inside Except for her nap i decided it was time for a Slurpee .She was so excited that i got her her own "big girl" drink and drank almost all of it!!

She would not let me take it away from her so i had to show her how to stir it so she could get more at a a time she picked right up on it!!
I'm so happy that it is finally warm and i can take her out side to play and that she has my skin so we usually don't worry about sun screen. Unless we will be out side for a long time. She already has quite an impressive farmers tan. HAHAHA

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