Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First big duty as a home owner!

So my first big duty as a home owner was to call around and decide what the best cheapest and most reliable cable company would be. First i called dish network and everything i asked they acted like i was stupid!! So i hung up on them and called directv, they were so nice to me and had alot of deals going on the next thing i knew i was setting up an installation date!! We bundled with quest for Internet, I'm super excited to have Internet and cable at My house!!
Yesterday was installation day i was so excited our appointment was between noon and 4. Travis had to work so i went to the house and waited for them to come, i kept my self busy by putting stamps on wedding announcements and writing thank you notes. Then they finally came!! It took about an hour for them to install everything we got two boxes ones a dvr and one is just a receiver, but this was the selling point for me you can start watching a dvr show in one room and finish in the other!!! its so awesome!
Our dish! this is a pretty picture of the sky to!!

The dvr box the other one is in the other room...