Sunday, October 6, 2024

September random

More playing with the kittens that showed up in our yard.

Erilyn got a new phone it was broken when we got it. Eventually they agreed to send her a bew one.

Soccer started for the younger 2 kids.

Playing with moms phone during church. 

We got to babysit baby Levi!

Then a few days later he came over for a family dinner.

Beautiful sun set.

Korbyn burned his arm on our air fryer. We went and bought a different air fryer after this incident. I also burned my arm on it a few months ago and decided it wasn't safe any more. 

More soccer.

Cheznie came to cheer them on one Saturday!

This burn made me so sad! He was so brave and only asked for medicine the first night. 

Every once in awhile when my and dad don't want to cook we do "make your own dinner night." Usually the kids make something in the microwave on these nights. This kid made this on the stove and was so proud he walked for a picture.

Relaxing with this cat!

We decorated for Halloween!

And an extra pumpkin helped! ( The kids have been calling this kitten pumpkin)

Soccer things!

Groove in the grove.

We came home to 2 chickens in our yard! We collected them and took them to the neighbors we thought they belonged to but they said they weren't theirs.

We let them free in our back yard again hoping they would find thier way home. One got chances up in a terrible by a cat! 

The next morning ing they were still there and had layed a tini egg!

We decided to cook it! Korbyn said it was kinda salty but good. They disappeared a few hours after we went around the block trying to figure out who they belonged to. A nieghbor working on a the roof of the chicken coop we originally thought they belonged to yelled over and said they were his and took them back.

Erilyn cleaned dad's car for some extra spending money.

We just happened to show up at my moms when connor was there and got more levi cuddles!

These pics are not photo-shopped I love sun sets in utah!